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Our studio was founded in Barcelona in 1998.

MIGUEL Y. MAYORGA. Architect by the National University of Colombia (1993) and by the Rovira i Virgili University. Studies in Biology (1988) National Pedagogical University. Master in Urban Planning and Doctor in Land Management from the Polytechnic University of Catalonia (2013). Professor of Urbanism of the  Department of Urbanism and Land Management  DUOT-ETSAB-UPC and Departament d'Enginyeria Civil i Ambiental DECA-ETSECCPB-UPC, and teaches subjects on Urban Planning and Urban and Territorial Planning; Urban and Infrastructure Project; Urban and Territorial Metabolism; Smart Cities, Smart Territories & Smart Land; History and art of Public Works; among other. He is currently also Professor of the PhD Program in Sustainability, Technology and Humanism (IS.UPC). Professor of Smart Territories of the degree in Urbanism at the Universidad de la Salle (Bogotá). Professor of the master's degree in City and Urbanism (UOC). Visiting professor at various universities in Spain, Portugal, Italy and Latin America. Linked to the EXIT and FORM + research group (UPC) and the interdisciplinary group IntraScapeLab (UPC). He has done consulting work on urban plans and projects in Spain, Colombia, Italy, Brazil and Honduras; and in Barcelona he has been urban planning advisor for the Area of Ecology, Urbanism and Mobility of the Barcelona City Council.
MARIA PÍA FONTANA. An architect by the Facoltá di Architettura of the Universitá degli Studi di Napoli "Federico II", she has studied between the school of Naples and the TU Technische Universität Graz (1997). Doctor in Architectural Projects from the ETSAB-UPC (2012). He has completed postgraduate studies in Urban Planning (2000) and in Graphic and Editorial Design (2001) in Barcelona. Since 2006 she has been a professor in the Projects Department of the Higher Polytechnic School of the University of Girona (EPS-UdG). Professor of the Master in City Management and Urbanism (UOC). Professor of Smart Territories of the degree in Urbanism at the Universidad de la Salle (Bogotá). He has completed a postdoctoral teaching and research stay in  the Faculty of Engineering and Architecture of UNAL Colombia (Manizales headquarters) (2014). She has been a visiting professor at various universities in Italy, Spain, Portugal, the US, Mexico, Chile, Ecuador, Argentina and Colombia. Linked to the FORM + research group (UPC) and the Arquitectura i Territori group (UdG).  


They are members of the evaluation committee of the Smart City Expo World Congress of Barcelona SCEWC and professors of the Escola Sert del Col·legi d'Arquitectes de Catalunya COAC. They work, research and publish on urban planning, sustainability, mobility, public space and new technologies applied to the project.

Our firm was founded in Barcelona in 1998.

MIGUEL Y. MAYORGA. Architect by the Universidad Nacional de Colombia (1993) and by the Universitat Rovira i Virgili. Studies in Biology (1988) National Pedagogical University. Master in Urban Planning and PhD in Territorial Management by Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (2013). Professor of Urban Planning at the Departament d'Urbanisme i Ordenació del Territori DUOT-ETSAB-UPC and Departament d'Enginyeria Civil i Ambiental DECA-ETSECCPB-UPC, and teaches subjects on Urbansimo y Ordenamiento Urbano y Territorial; Urban and Infrastructure Project; Urban and Territorial Metabolism; Smart Cities, Smart Territories & Smart Land; History and art of Public Works; among others. Currently he is also Professor of the PhD Program in Sustainability, Technology and Humanism (IS.UPC). Professor of Smart Territories of the degree in Urbanism at the Universidad de la Salle (Bogotá). Professor of the Master in City and Urbanism (UOC). Visiting professor at several universities in Spain, Portugal, Italy and Latin America. Linked to the research group EXIT and FORM + (UPC) and the interdisciplinary group IntraScapeLab (UPC). He has done consulting work in urban plans and projects in Spain, Colombia, Italy, Brazil and Honduras; and in Barcelona he has been urban advisor for the Area of Ecology, Urbanism and Mobility of the Barcelona City Council.
MARIA PIA FONTANA. Architect by the Facoltá di Architettura of the Universitá degli Studi di Napoli "Federico II", she has studied between the school of Naples and the TU Technische Universität Graz (1997). D. in Architectural Design from the ETSAB-UPC (2012). She has completed postgraduate studies in Urban Planning (2000) and in Graphic and Editorial Design (2001) in Barcelona. Since 2006 she has been a lecturer in the Projects Department of the Polytechnic School of the University of Girona (EPS-UdG). Professor of the Master in City Management and Urbanism (UOC). Professor of Smart Territories of the degree in Urban Planning at the Universidad de la Salle (Bogotá). She has done a postdoctoral teaching and research stay at the Faculty of Engineering and Architecture of the UNAL Colombia (Manizales Campus) (2014). She has been a visiting professor at several universities in Italy, Spain, Portugal, USA, Mexico, Chile, Ecuador, Argentina and Colombia. Linked to the research group FORM + (UPC) and the group Arquitectura i Territori (UdG).


They are members of the evaluation committee of the Smart City Expo World Congress of Barcelona SCEWC and professors of the Escola Sert of the Col-legi d'Arquitectes de Catalunya COAC. They work, research and publish on issues of urbanism, sustainability, mobility, public space and new technologies applied to the project.

Collaborators / Collaborators:

Tauana Limoeiro
Anna sanz
Diego Heibling
Juan Pablo Serna
Mateo Trujillo
Andrés Gómez Zamora
Cabarrocas Sea
Maria Antonia Alzate
Laura Sepulveda
Manuela Soto
Alba Fernandez 
Plan Architects (Andrés Gómez, Mateo Trujillo, Luis Felipe Zuluaga)
Xavier Abadía (Engineer of Roads, Channels and Ports)

Teresa Navas (Urban Historian and Geographer)
Pasquale Di Giorgio (Civil Engineer)
Nicola Fontana (Hydraulic Engineer)

Gemma Salvador (Environmental Scientist)
Elisabet Roca (Environmental Scientist)
María Ramos (Forestry Engineer and GIS specialist)
Mikel Casado (Master Architect in Sustainability and GIS)
Toni López (Geographer and demographer) 
Jorge Rodríguez (Telecommunications Engineer) COROLARI.Cat
Isaac Guevara (Audiovisual Design)

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